The research group was created in 2007, coinciding with the arrival of Prof. Carlos Martínez-Bazán at the University of Jaén. The group has been growing since then with the training and incorporation of different researchers over the years, and the equipment and facilities available have increased significantly. In 2020, part of the group moved to the University of Granada. The main milestones are as follows:
- Obtaining more than 20 research projects in local, regional, national and international calls, which has meant a total investment of more than 3M€. In addition, we have participated in the achievement of 3 large infrastructure projects that have allowed the acquisition of first level scientific equipment for the development of the group's research.
- The publication of more than 60 scientific articles in first level international journals such as the Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics, the Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Physical Review Letters, among others. Likewise, the researchers members of the group are regular reviewers of first level journals in the field of Fluid Mechanics.
- Direction of more than 10 doctoral theses with international mention.
- Management of some 10 knowledge transfer contracts with companies such as Valeo Iluminación, Liderkit, Eiffage, Plásticos Hidrosolubles, PeqPeq Espacios Saludables.
- Incorporation of researchers in calls for talent recruitment (Juan de la Cierva, Ramón y Cajal, Recruitment of Doctors Junta de Andalucía), obtaining grants for the training of doctors (FPI, FPU), funding in competitive calls for international pre (Short Stays and Temporary Transfers FPU) and postdoctoral stays (José Castillejo and Salvador de Madariaga Grants).